Project Summary

The project entitled ‘quality education and digital transformation’ purposes to increase the quality in education in different disciplines and at various levels of education. The project will follow a multiciscipliner and a collaborative approach. The project activities will be grouped under three categories: need for educational change and educator quality; digital transformation in education and best practices; and multidiscipliner cooperation and collaboration. Under the scope of the project, strong e-learning infrastructures will be developed, and purposefully-designed e-learning contents will be delivered to learners and educators as part of lifelong learning. All the activities proposed will consider guidelines and goals set by UNESCO. UNESCO Institute for Information Technologies in Education (IITE)’s Medium-Term Strategy for 2018-2021 and UNESCO Sustainable Development Goals for 2030 will be our main guides. Contents developed under the guidance of these will not only be delivered to educators but also students.

Bu içerik 09.12.2021 tarihinde yayınlandı ve toplam 1498 kez okundu.