Erasmus+171 project for collaborating UNESCO Chairs around the world was accepted for funding.

 As one of the priorities of the UNESCO Chair of Quality Education and Digital Transformation at the Trakya University is to improve cooperation and collaboration between higher education institutions by focusing on the enhanced connection and communication between UNESCO Chairs established worldwide. The main goal of this intent for cooperation is to implement joint research and teaching, to exchange of the best practices in education and digitalization, and to share know-how for ensuring quality education for all through digitalization in different levels and fields of education at international level. Trakya University submitted an application for Erasmus+ KA171 Mobility of higher education students and staff supported by external policy funds, and was approved to receive a three-year grant for student and staff mobility for associated partners. Under the scope of the grant received, Trakya University soon will start mobility with twenty-five different countries worldwide. Graduate level students and faculty members of the associated partners will be able to benefit from the programme and mobility expenses (limits are predetermined by Erasmus Programme) for both incoming and going beneficiaries will be covered by the Trakya University under Erasmus+ KA171 programme.

Bu içerik 11.12.2023 tarihinde yayınlandı ve toplam 582 kez okundu.